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National Blood Trial, Poland 07.05.2022 - Ostrowy nad Okszą

International Blood Trial (PL), Piotrków Trybunalski 01.06.2019
International Blood Trial (PL), Piotrków Trybunalski 01.06.2019
Offspring of Protsionus Ursambol -
Bassotto di Corleone FINKA amazingly tracked on this hard terrain with high undergrowth, bushes, even if when water crossed the trail. She gained maximum point on tracking, unfortunately lost points on obedience.
The track was 700m long with few curves. All in all, Finka got 90/100points, but ranked back because of obedience work.
However, I m very proud of her results what
she reached on blood trials:
Regional blood trial winner (PL) 100/100p, CPC 1st grade diploma, regional blood trial (PL) 100/100p 1st grade diploma 2/11dogs, best working dachshund, national blood trial (HUN) 100/100p CACT, international blood trial 90/100p 2nd grade diploma.
Owner: R. Giusti

Great news from MSBLJ (InterBau), Zákopčie (SK), 8.-9.6.2019
Offspring of Protsionus Ursambol
On both days, Középrigóci Bori (Középrigóci Zoé x Protsionus Ursambol) done excellent works - jumping & grip with 100 points, 1st grade diploma and also got CACT, CACIT 8/101. Congrats to the owner: Miklós Utasi

Regional Blood Trial (PL), Hamerla, 13.04.2019
At the morning, when I saw it s hardly snowing and at the night was rain, I thought it will be not so easy to work on a trail. However, we solved with Bassotto di Corleone FINKA (Protsionus Ursambol x Marosmenti - Rudifogó Juci), obedience gained full points (not fixed her) after started to work on 19hrs and 800 metres long wild boar track, where I not saw any blood, washed by rain. But Finka kept the track and arrived to the boar.
Bassotto di Corleone FINKA - 100/100p 1st grade diploma, 2nd/11dogs on the trial and she was the best working Dachshund too.

Bassotto di Corleone Hunter (Középrigóci Apród x Palinka z Dziada Pradziada) got 75/100 points on Fox Trial in Ukraine

National Blood Trial, Káld-Hidegkút (H) 13.10.2018
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada - Difficulty (phase) blood trial WINNER, CACT 100points, 1st grade diploma 1/3.
Track was around 15-16hrs old with curves 1200-1300m long. Area, terrain was very hard and full of scents. Only, Rudzik just tracked out the difficulty trail.

Working certificate of Bassotto di Corleone Finka
Working certificate of Bassotto di Corleone Finka on bood tracking CACT 100 points, I. prize

BLOOD TRACKING 2018 WORK WINNER (PL) - Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada
International & Regional Blood Trial Winner (PL), 2xCPC 100points, 1st prize
4th place on Regional Trial (PL) with 100points, 1st prize
3rd place on Regional Trial (PL)
SCHWHK-H CACT 100points, 1st prize
HUNGARIAN WORKING CHAMPION, recovered a fallow buck and 8 wild boars in Driven Hunt and on huntings in Hungary.

Protsionus Ursambol: ESW-H, Nagyatád, 100points CACT

International Blood Tracking Trial 02.06.2018 - Piotrków Trybunalski (PL)
International Blood Tracking Trial 02.06.2018 - Piotrków Trybunalski (PL)
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada - 1/16, 100p CPC and Blood Tracking 2018 Work Winner

MSBLJ - Turá Lúka 2018. Slovakia
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada:
At the first day gained 76points with 2nd grade, at second day got 90points with 1st grade diploma.
On both days: Középrigóci Bori (Középrigóci Zoé x Protsionus Ursambol) done very nice works (grip) with 100points, 1st grade diploma and also got CACT, CACIT. (owner: Miklós Utasi)

Regional Blood Trial (PL), Kluczbork - Bogacica 07.10.2017
Bassotto di Corleone Finka
(Protsionus Ursambol x Marosmenti-Rudifogó Juci) done obedience without fixing with 2shots after tracked on 700m long 18hours old track with two turns. At the night there was rain and washed the blood, but today the weather was ideal for tracking. In the end, Finka found the wild boar and gained 100p, 1st prize and Certificate for Polish Working Champion! REGIONAL TRIAL WINNER 1/11!
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada also done obedience without fixing with two shots after tracked on 17hours old track with two turns - I just called the track "jungle", the terrain was extremely hard. Before, Rudzik started to work on the track I saw a deer and roe deer too. In the end, found the wild boar and got 100points 4/11dogs.

XIX International Complex Working Trail for Dachshunds in Bydgoszcz-Biskupin, 02.09.2017
Rudzik z Dziada took part in XIX International Complex Working Trail for Dachshunds in Bydgoszcz-Biskupin, 02.09.2017
The trial started with group obedience, which was really interesting. Dog had to lay down and stay there, Rudzik was not fixed. After, the hunters drove through the forest and shot many times like in real driven hunt. Rudzik got maximum point for it.
The next was the wild boar work in 1 hectare garden, Rudzik found the boar within 0.31 seconds, however he not got full points, but achieved 2nd grade diploma. After the garden work in Poland, as the part of the wild boar trial is the blood tracking too. On the tracking Rudzik got max points. The track was around 900m long with 3 curves, blood was not visible, cause the morning rain washed it. Unfortunately, on the last part on fox Rudzik worked well, but not gained nothing. So all in all Rudzik got 2nd grade diploma on ESW.

Kun Cup, National Trial Hungary
BHFK-H Bassotto di Corleone Echo 83p (grip) & Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada 75p. Proud of these results it was really hard to compete because was very hot.

Prüfungsordnung (PO) - Working Trial Types - Dachshunds/DTK

Schussfestigkeitsprüfung (Sfk) - Spurlautprüfung (Sp), 22.04.2017 Domazelice, CZE
Sfk - Spurlautprüfung 22.04.2017 Domazelice (CZE)
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada - 2nd grade diploma

Regional Blood Trial Chwalisław - ZO PZŁ Wałbrzych (Poland) 20.05.2017
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada - 100 points CPC, TRIAL WINNER! 1/11

National Trial Nagyatád, Hungary
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada - Fox 92p/100, Wild boar 84p/100, Water test 32p/32

Regionalny Konkurs Tropowców Kluczbork (PL) -Bogacica 8.10.2016
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada 92points 1st grade diploma 3/14
Palinka z Dziada Pradziada 90points 1st grade diploma 4/14

Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada (Negra z Dziada Pradziada x Treff de Lux) working certificate achieved on International Fox Trial

Hubertus Cup, National Blood Trial - Sárvár - Káld-Hidegkút, Hungary, 29.10.2016.
Hubertus Cup article in the main Hungarian hunting magazine (12./2016, Nimród)
Hubertus Cup, National Blood Trial - Sárvár - Káld-Hidegkút, Hungary, 29.10.2016.
Bassotto di Corleone Echo 100points CACT, 3/14.
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada 100points CACT, got special prize.
Judge: Miklós Utasi (H)

International Blood Trial (PL) - 02.10. 2016.
Yesterday, Pálinka & Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada took part in International Blood Trial. On this trial, Pálinka z Dziada Pradziada successfully did the shooting test. After we went on obedience, which was around 5-6 min long with two shots. Pálinka did without fixing, it means she gained more points on this part. Rudzik did the same just with fixing. Both dogs got maximum points on it.
I was the first on tracking with Pálinka. The track was between 900-1000 m long was with few smaller curves - (It was not a difficulty trial, but it seems to be!) As we calculated well, it was minimum 20 hours old! This was one of my hardest blood trial ever. Ground was sandy, dry, full of sharp bushes or 1 m high ferns, 25 degrees etc. Honestly, I not saw any blood on the whole track. Very hard was for the dog, but Pálinka found the wild boar at the end!
After Rudzik went on 1460 m long track, which was also minimum 20 hours old with more smaller curves. I have to mention that he is just 15 months old (already has - BHFK/J, ESW/J, INT.BHFK, INT.SCHWHK, J.CH.PL) and not prepared yet for these hard works. But he is one of our most talented dog, so Rudzik did the track and found the boar too. He was very tired! Both dogs received diplomas!
Main judge told: "Dogs who have gained diplomas are able to work on real huntings". I m very proud of the dogs and we learnt a lot from these challenging works, which helped us to improve much more our dogs!

International Fox Trial Łobodno - Bartkówka (PL) 17.09.2016
International Fox Trial Łobodno - Bartkówka (PL) 17.09.2016
Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada - 100points 8/24

Two days International Fox Trial in Poland
Sum up from two days Fox Trial in Poland: Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada (almost 15 months old) took part on two days International Fox Trial Łobodno - Bartkówka (PL) 17-18.09.2016. At the first day, Rudzik did 100points with first grade diplom, 8/24, jumping - 2 minutes and one second. At the second day, he had less fortune, but he did great work with a diploma too! On both days, he got maximum points for obedience.
All in all, Rudzik showed very passionate work with values!
Photo: Fox training with Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada and Bassotto di Corleone Echo.

Hungarian Working Champion Protsionus Ursambol

Regional Fox Trial - Wierzchowiska 8.5.2016
10 months old Rudzik z Dziada Pradziada obtained 1st grade diplom with 91 points.

Regional Wild Boar Trial - Lublin - Wierzchowiska 7.05.16

Blood Trial Ásotthalom 26.03.2016
Blood Trial Ásotthalom 26.03.2016
Pálinka z Dziada Pradziada - 100points CACT
Protsionus Ursambol - 100points CACT; fulfilled requirements for Hungarian Working Champion
Marosmenti-Rudifogó Juci - 100points CACT; Blood Trial Winner!

INTERNATIONAL BLOOD TRIAL - Piotrków Trybunalski PL - 6.06.2015
Protsionus Ursambol 3rd place 92points / 16 dogs
The winner was labrador retriever!
Blood tracking length: 700-800 m, 12 hours old with 4 turns and very hard terrain and high undergrowth. It was one of my best tracking with Urs, like on a real hunting. He found the roe buck at the end. It was well organized trial, thanks.
Urs got a special prize for the most passionable blood tracking.
Resting after the work.

Bassotto di Corleone Aldo: difficulty blood trial - 1.2 km long

International Fox Trial, Russia, Moscow, CACIT - BhFK, 92 points
Judge: Stefan Stefik

2nd - 3rd International BhFK Trial, Poland, CACIT, Łobodno-Bartkówka 23-24.08.2014.
Diana Kleopatra - grip with fox within 12 sec. - 1st grade diplom 94 points; 10/28 dachshunds. In Poland grip-(working style) with fox = less points and disqualification from the fox trial until the end of the year.
Only the dog who will push out the fox from the fox den and will go out after can get 100 points.
Protsionus Ursambol - 100 points, 1st grade diplom, 2:44min work time;
6/21 dachshunds.
International Fox Trial -

WUT Schweissprüfung 2014, Malacky, Slovakia
- Short summary -

INTERNATIONAL BLOOD TRIAL - Piotrków Trybunalski PL - 07.06.2014
PROTSIONUS URSAMBOL: 82/100 points, 4th per 6 dogs - 1st grade diplom. Blood tracking length: 700-800 m, standing time: 18 hours, used blood: 250 ml

PROTSIONUS URSAMBOL: 82/100 points 1st grade diploma, 6/16 dogs
Blood tracking length: 600 m, standing time: 18 hours, used blood: 250 ml

International Fox Trial - CACIT, PL